(5) 表示「原因,理由」的副詞子句:because(因為). Since(因為) . as(因為) 引導
語氣強弱的順序:because > since > as
※ Because 和 so 不可同時出現。
例如: 因為我非常累了,所以我沒有去。
Because I was exhausted ,I didn't go .
= I didn't go because I was exhausted .
= I was exhausted , so I didn't go
補充:exhausted 筋疲力盡的;精疲力竭的 very tired 很累
例如1. 我總是喜歡到那家麵包店買蛋糕,因為晚上8點後打8折。
I always like to buy cakes in that bakery because they are 20% off after eight in the evening。
補充:bake烘, 烤 bakery麵包店 twenty Percent 20%
We ate lunch in the garden since it was nice and cool outside.
例如3. 因為今天是星期天,公車上幾乎沒有學生。
There are few students on the bus as it is Sunday today.
補充:1. few後面+名詞複數
幾乎沒有的 There were few people in the streets. 街上人很少。
(與a或the連用)一些, 幾個 Only a few of my friends were informed about it. 這件事只有我的幾個朋友知道。
" 2. as:
隨著 As the sun rose the fog dispersed. 太陽一出來, 霧隨之消失。
像; 如同 The old woman was dressed as a young lady. 這位老婦人打扮得像一位年輕人。
同樣地 Sam is as rich as Alexander. 山姆像亞歷山大一樣富有。 "
(例) Why is he absent? Because he is ill. 為什麼他缺席呢? 因為他生病了。
2. not because …….. But because
(例) He is absent not because he is busy but because he is ill. 他缺席不是因為他忙而是因為他病了。
(6)表示「條件」的副詞子句:If 如果
(例)1. 如果你繼續吃速食,不久你將嘗到苦果。
If you keep eating fast food ,you'll taste the bitter fruits before long.
補充:Bitter fruits 苦果, before long不久
(7) 表示「讓步」的副詞子句: though(雖然) although(儘管,雖然) whether or not(無論是否)
(例)1. Though Taiwan is small, I love it ,After all ,it is my homeland.
雖然臺灣很小,但我很愛它,它畢竟是我的故鄉。 After all 畢竟
=Taiwan is small, but I love it.After all,it is my homeland.
例如1. Although she is a teacher, she isn't patient with children.
補充:Patient n.病人a.耐心
上句改成用as ↓
Teacher as she is , she isn't patient with children.( 這句話用法出現在古老的英文文章裡)
例如2. whether it rains or not, the final game will be played .
補充:副詞子句,用現在式 第三人稱+S
句型2: so that…...(所以)
例如1.It was so heavy that we couldn't move it 這個很重 所以我們搬不動。
= It was too heavy for us to move.
句型:too~to 太…而不能….
" 補充:不定詞後面的受詞,如果跟前面的主詞一樣,一定要省略,所以to move ,後面的it要省略
that 後面的子句,要完整不能省,that we couldn't move it, it一定要寫"
例如2. It was such a cool hairstyle that I want to imitate it. 好酷的髮型,我想要模仿。
= It was so cool a hairstyle that I want to imitate it
" so是副詞+形容詞+名詞
例如3. Their house burned down, so that they had nowhere to live.
因偶然在youtube看到謝老師的教學影片,覺得謝老師講解的非常非常清楚,老師會一直複習之前所提過的文法,很適合學生或沒有英文基本的初學者 學習