(1) at/ in
at ---表示確切的地點。
例如1. The train stopped at taipei station . 火車停在臺北車站。
例如2. This book is published in paris 這本書在巴黎出版。
In + 都市名,國家。
On + 街名。
At + 門牌號碼。
(例)1. He lives in taipei 他住在臺北。
On Roosevelt Road. 他住在羅斯福路
At 75 Roosevelt Road. 羅斯福路75號。
(2) On , above, Over (在~~~上)/ under , below(在~~下)
On: 表示一樣東西只接觸另一樣東西的部分表面。
Above : 表示不接觸而高於某表面, 亦可用 Over
※Under 為 over 的相反詞, below 為above 的相反詞
(例)1. There is a book on the desk。 桌子上有一本書。
Look at the picture on the wall, 看牆上的畫。
There are several flies on the ceiling 天花板上有幾隻蒼蠅。
(例)2. She held an umbrella over( =above) her daughter's head. 她撐著一把傘在她女兒頭上。
(例)3. He spread a cloth over the table。 他在餐桌上鋪了一塊桌布。
(例)4. The basketball is under the chair . 籃球在椅子底下。
(例)5. There is usually a supermarket below a department store. 在百貨公司底下通常是超市。
※。Cloth 布 clothes衣服
(3) between , among (在~之間)
Between: 在兩者之間。
(例)1. Mr. white sat between his wife and daughter。 懷特先生坐在他和他的女兒之間。
(例)2. She failed to find his little brother among the crowd .她未能在人群中找到他的小弟弟。
★ fail to V 未能…..
(4) near (在附近),by(在~~旁),beside(在~~旁),around(在~四周)
Beside :表示左右的位置關係,
(例)1. There is a good restaurant near my house . 我家附近有一家好吃的餐廳。
(例)2. He was sitting by the window. 他正坐在窗邊。
(例)3. Nobody wanted to sit beside Nancy. 沒有人想坐在Nancy的旁邊。
(例)4. There are many students around the tree. 在樹的周圍有許多的學生。
(5) in front of , in the front of (在~~之前)/ in back of , in the back of (在~~之後)
Behind (在~~之後),是in front of 的相反詞
例如1, There is a tall tree in front of the classroom. 教室前有一棵大樹。
例如2.there is a blackboard in the front of the classroom。 教室前有一個黑板。
例如3.He stood behind his master。 他站在他的主人後面。
There is a tall tree in front. 那前面有一棵很高的樹
▲Behind (在~~之後)---表示時間,地點。
Before (在~~之前)---表示時間
(例) A car has stopped before the store 這句文法是錯的XX
需改為 A car has stopped in front of the store。 一輛車已經停在商店前。
(6) along (沿著),across(穿越) through(通過)
假設 這是一條河
例如1. Let's take a walk along the river。 我們沿著河邊散步吧。
例如2. He went across the street . 他穿過馬路。
例如3. Our train is running through a tunnel. 我們的火車正穿越隧道。
(7) from (從), to (到~), for (前往),toward (朝著~~)
例如1. She went to the station 她去了車站(已到達)
She went toward the station .她朝著車站方向去了。(人不一定是要到車站)
例如2. They've left for England.. 他們已經前往英國。(未到達)
例如3. We started from Taipei 我們從臺北出發。
謝老師講解的非常非常清楚,影片中也會一直複習之前所提過的文法,很適合學生或沒有英文基本的初學者 學習