★.下面的動詞之後加Ving 或 to V 當受詞意思會改變的
Stop, Remember, forget , try ….等等
說明: Ving 是已經做的…
To V 還沒有做的事, 要去做…..
1。這人停止說話了The man stopped talking
2。 這人停下來去跟報童說話。The man stopped to talk to a newsboy
3。 我很累,我要停止工作。I'm tired ,I have to stop working
4。我很累了我要停下來去休息I'm tired. I have to stop to take a rest
5。她記得在某地方見過他。 She remembered meeting him somewhere .
6. 她記得要去車站和他見面。She remembered to meet him at the station .
Remember to preview your lessons before class and review your lessons after class.
補充:preview 預習 、review 複習
8。露西忘記她曾經寄過卡片給我 Lucy forgot sending me a card
9。露西忘了寄卡片給我 Lucy forgot to send me a card
10。 不要忘記聖誕節寄卡片給我 Don't forget to send me a card on christmas .
11。設法在10點之前解決這個問題 Try to solve the problem before ten o'clock
try knocking at the back door if nobody hear you at front door..
補充說明:Try to 設法
try +Ving 嚐試
Mind. 介意 Enjoy 喜愛 .Finish 完成 . Practice 練習 Miss 想念. Quit停止 戒
Understand.瞭解 Can't help 忍不住. Can't stand忍不住 It's no use 沒有用
It's no good 沒有用 avoid 避免 give up
(例) 你介意等我一會嗎? Would you mind waiting for me?
(例) 如果我坐你旁邊你介意嗎? Would you mind if I sit next to you?
(例)我決定要等她。 I made up my mind(n.) to wait for her .
片語:I made up my mind (=I decide 決定的意思)
(例) 這些學生每天練習說英文。These students practice speaking english every day .
(例) 我忍不住嘲笑他。 I can't help laughing at him .
片語:laugh at +人 → 嘲笑某人)
※當介系詞的受詞-----介系詞的後面必須接 Ving .
(例) 他喜歡玩躲貓貓。 He is interested in playing hide-and- seek .
補充:You'll be it →你當鬼的意思 片語:Be interested in 對什麼有興趣
(例) 我們正在考慮買一台洗衣機。 We're thinking about buying a washing machine .
※動名詞當補語: 動名詞可位於be動詞後當補語
My work is washing cars。我的工作是洗車。(事實,已知動作)
My work is to wash cars 我的工作要去洗車。(計畫性的動作)
One of my hobbies is collecting stamps 我的嗜好之一是集郵。
已在集郵中,已成事實,要用Ving, 不能用to+v
孟媛老師-初級文法第18集 |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4WkotPXImM&list=PL0mIV2LoUeLN8I-lj_l9dpT5PX6YN5Nsh&index=18 |
謝老師講解的非常非常清楚,影片中也會一直複習之前所提過的文法,很適合學生或沒有英文基本的初學者 學習
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